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Atwood primary school is geographically located approximately 20 miles north of our state capital, Augusta, Maine.

The area is rural yet renowned for the Belgrade Lakes, a chain of seven lakes including East Pond, North Pond, McGrath Pond, Salmon Pond, Great Pond, Long Pond, and Snow Pond. Our school is part of the Messalonskee School District, which encompasses the towns of Oakland, Belgrade, Sidney, China and Rome, Maine.

The Atwood Primary School now serves kindergarten through second-grade students in the town of Oakland, Maine. In addition, the school houses a preschool program for four-year-olds.

Atwood Primary School has the FISH! Philosophy!  Whenever children perform an act of kindness or demonstrate good decision making, they are rewarded with a “fish” from our office fish bowl!  This fish is a tangible symbol for the children to take home after school to encourage a conversation at home about their good deeds!

Principal: Shelly Moody
Email: smoody@rsu18.org

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